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Industry News
What is Collagen and Are Collagen Supplements Worth the Hype?

What is Collagen and Are Collagen Supplements Worth the Hype?

Many skin care products claim to boost collagen production, but the body manufactures this skin-plumping protein on its own. Should collagen supplements be a staple in your skin health routine?

It’s found naturally in our skin, beauty products claim to enhance it, but at some point, it breaks down—collagen. Also known as the key to plump, firm, and elastic skin.

Collagen provides the matrix that’s responsible for the body’s structure from bones to ligaments and tendons. In the skin, just like everywhere else in our bodies, collagen provides integrity, firmness, and elasticity.

You can thank your natural collagen production for plump cheeks and smooth, vibrant skin. Like many of the body’s natural processes, collagen production declines with age. There are few ways to maintain collagen levels, and collagen supplements may or may not be one of them.

Collagen 101
Collagen is made up of a complex family of proteins, which are made up of amino acids. To date, 29 distinct types of collagen have been discovered and described. Collagen Type I is the most common, accounting for nearly 90% of the dermal matrix.

The holy grails of collagen are types IV and VII, which are significantly less common than Type I. Types IV and VII are the proteins that offer structural support to cellular membranes in the dermis, allowing your skin to maintain firmness and shape. The loss of these types of collagen result in wrinkles and sagging.

Skin loses approximately 1% of it’s collagen every year throughout the lifespan of a healthy individual, depleting precious levels of collagen types IV and VII. This is a natural part of aging. However, unprotected sun exposure and other factors can cause collagen to deplete at a much faster rate, causing rapid collagen degradation and premature aging.

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