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Industry News
How Lifestyle Affects Collagen Production ?

How Lifestyle Affects Collagen Production

Although collagen is lost every year naturally, some lifestyle factors can cause collagen to degrade even more. Fortunately, most of these are preventable or manageable:

  • Smoking is one of the best ways to prematurely age your face. Many studies have linked collagen degradation to smoking. Compared to non-smokers, people who smoke have 22% lower synthesis rates of collagen and altered cellular turnover in skin [1]. If not for your lungs, don’t smoke for the sake of your skin!
  • Poor diet is also associated with collagen loss. Vitamin C is essential in stabilizing and synthesizing collagen molecules [2]. When vitamin C becomes sparse, collagen production slows and a disease called scurvy develops [3]. To prevent wrinkling and scurvy, maintain a healthy diet rich in vitamin C.
  • Sun exposure causes premature aging not only due to free radical damage but also because it degrades collagen. When skin is exposed to UV radiation, proteins like collagen are broken down, leading to collagen loss and ultimately the formation of wrinkles and sagging [4]. If you’re not already, get on board with a broad-spectrum SPF or stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

These factors have a significant effect on the preservation and loss of precious collagen levels, so if you’re looking to maintain or improve the elasticity in your skin, it may be more effective to address these factors than to begin collagen supplementation.

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